Advancing TMS since 1992

Webinar: Opening the black box to the brain
using TMS-fMRI

Concurrent TMS-fMRI is a technique that combines non-invasive brain stimulation with real-time brain activity imaging. It is a technique that opens up unprecedented insights into the brain’s mechanisms in both normal functioning and affective or mental disorders.

This engaging webinar featuring Dr. Eva Feredoes, Visiting Scholar at Stanford University and Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Reading, who shares her expertise in this transformative field of concurrent TMS-fMRI.

Dr. Eva Feredoes

Dr. Feredoes research has significantly contributed to understanding the neural mechanisms underlying working memory and cognitive control. By employing concurrent TMS-fMRI, Dr. Feredoes has provided valuable insights into how different brain regions interact during cognitive tasks, enhancing our comprehension of brain function in both healthy individuals and those with affective and mental disorders.

Key outcomes

  • Overview of early fundamental studies showing the impact of TMS on the BOLD response.
  • Current findings and advancements using concurrent TMS-fMRI.
  • The importance of continued investment in this technology.
  • Addressing the technical and theoretical challenges of the field.
  • Insights into the exciting future of TMS-fMRI research

The session was hosted by Dr. Claus Mathiesen, Medical Application Scientist at MagVenture, who concluded with an interactive Q&A.

TMS-fMRI community, clinical researchers and psychiatrists interested in the fundamentals.  

If you are interested in attending the 3rd International Concurrent TMS-fMRI Workshop hosted by Eva and the team register here.

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